Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tweet Log 7 (February/March)

Continuing my story through tweets... start at the beginning here.

Go back to part 6.
Go forward to part 8.


Finally reached lesson 32 of Heisig's book! Little milestones like that feel good :) - Pokemon ride! So cute! Just outside of Ueno Zoo.

Just watched an episode of Kurosagi. I really need to finish that series...

Blog post: Drama Review of Nodame Cantabile!

Lots of celebrations coming up... Chinese New Year, Valentine's Day, Mardi Gras, Carnival... :D

Blog Post: Tweet Log 3 :D - The Starbucks next to Shibuya crossing (which is effing epic by the way)!

Blog love anyone? :) - A shot of Shinjuku (if I'm not mistaken >.>) - Tokyo at night. Oh, how I miss that city~

Blog post: Exercising while Studying Japanese!

Learn Japanese while you're exercising! - A sign in Shinjuku that looks happy to me XD

I'm having a hard time with school this week- hate it when it gets in the way of Japanese, but it only strengthens my desire to get back in.

Case in point: my kanji backlog went from about 200 to 400 over the weekend. Here's hoping I can keep it under control between exams! XP

I realize more and more... I'd really like to do vlogs. But do I have the time and the courage? Time will tell :)

Rare occurrence! It's snowing! I live in Texas, so it's always bizarre and exciting when this happens.

Finding a moment to kanji it up! And treasuring it ^-^

Blog Post: Tweet Log 4 (December/January)

If anyone has received an inappropriate message from me, I deeply apologize as I've somehow been hacked and have no idea how to stop it.

Ok, so getting hacked is kinda scary, but I hope it's sorted out now... Thanks for the support, everyone!

As a general warning for everyone, I think I figured out how I got hacked. I got a DM from someone with a message that said...

"haha, is this you?" with a link. When I clicked on the link, it was a Twitter page (or at least looked like one) and I had to log in....

I was never able to get to the page, so I just gave up, confused, but that must be how the spammer got my password (I later saw that...

the original person who sent it to me had been spammed herself). So protect your password! Hopefully everything's back to normal now :)

I'd like to get back into writing Japanese entries on Lang-8. Such a great tool!

Finally reached the 100s in my kanji backlog! Waaah... もうちょっと...

Just watched Saigo no Yakusoku and was extremely surprised by how legitimately great it was! Yaaaay Arashi~

March Tweets

Bringing back lang-8 into my life! Gotta do my best with this thing! :D

おひさしぶり〜 | Lang-8 #lang8

1 comment:

  1. Definately watch Kurosagi, I loved it. <3 Yamapi
